Gema Rodríguez-Pérez

Assistant Professor

Computer Science
Office: FIP 302
Phone: 250.807.8331

Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary

o Empirical Software Engineering
o Mining Software Repositories
o Social aspects of Software Engineering
o EDI in Software Engineering
o Bug prediction and detection
o Software maintenance and evolution
o Open Source Software
o Large Language Models

Courses & Teaching

o COSC 210 Software Construction (Winter 2023/2024),
o COSC 310 Software Engineering (Winter 2023/2024),
o DATA 531 Programming for Data Science (Fall 2023/2024), (Fall 2022/2023)
o DATA 532 Algorithms and Data Structure (Fall 2023/2024), (Fall 2022/2023)
o COSC 499 Capstone Software Engineering Project (Fall-Winter 2022/2023), (Fall-Winter 2021/2022)


My research work focuses on empirical software studies that mine the development historical data of software systems. I use a combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques to understand the problem and determine approaches that can help to solve it. Specifically, I research the technical and non-technical aspects in software engineering with the aim of improving software development processes and practices, and increasing diversity in online communities.


Personal Website


o PhD Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
o MSc Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid

Research Interests & Projects

Google Scholar

Selected Grants & Awards

    • Google Research Scholar Program, 2023
    • IEEE Computer Society, 2023
    • NSERC Discovery Grant, 2022 – 2027
    • NSERC Discovery Launch Supplement Grant, 2022 – 2023
    • UBC Okanagan start-up funds, 2021 – 2024
    • Google Award for Inclusion Research, 2021

Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees

I’ve been part of the organizing committee of the following conferences: (MSR’21, ICPC’21, PROMISE’21, PROMISE’20, ICSME’18, MSR’17)

I’ve been PC member of the following conferences: MSR’21, ICPC’21 (ERA), PROMISE’21, ICSE’21 (Tool demo), ESEC/FSE’21 (Artifact Evaluation), ESEC/FSE’20 (Tool demo), ICSME’20, MSR’20  (Mining Challenge)


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